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I have been supervising clinicians at various levels beginning with MFT Associates at Coldwater Counseling Center in 1983.  Since being certified as a Jungian Analyst in 1993, I have supervised a variety of licensed professionals and served on evaluative committees at the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles to appraise the work and personal development of MFTs, Social Workers, Psychologists and Psychiatrists


While I have mostly supervised on an individual basis on occasion I've done group supervision so interested therapists could gain supervision at a more reasonable fee. Thus I am open to working with a group of interested clinicians as well as individuals.


Dreams, transference and countertransference, and early trauma are some of my clinical areas of interest and expertise.  Besides Jungian psychology I also incorporate Attachment Theory, Self Psychology, Object Relations and other psychoanalytic approaches into my approach.  Below are two journal articles that I've had published to give the interested clinician some idea of aspects of psychotherapeutic and analytic work I've addressed in supervision and teaching over the years.

Library Shelves
“Perversions in the Temenos.”  Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice, Volume 3, Fall 2001.

The first article, "Perversions in the Temenos," was originally a paper given at a National Conference of Jungian Analysts.  The theme was the "temenos," the sacred space we meet our patients.  My paper addresses ways therapists might "turn around" the therapeutic relationship so that it unconsciously serves unrecognized needs of the therapist rather than truly serve the client.  This article has been translated into French and Russian and published in France and Russia as well.

Journal Review. The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 54, No. 4, September 2009.

© 2022 by Steve Galipeau LMFT# 6631.

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