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Archetypal Typology
Review of: John L. Giannini, Compass of the Soul: Archetypal Guides to a Fuller Life, Gainesville, Florida: Center for Applications of...
Journal Review. The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 54, No. 4, September 2009.
CASSORLA, ROOSEVELT M. SMEKE. ‘The analyst’s implicit alpha-function, trauma and enactment in the analysis of borderline patients’,...
“Perversions in the Temenos.”
“Perversions in the Temenos.” Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice, Volume 3, Fall 2001. Introduction My intent in this paper is to...
The Symbolic Life - Winter 2021
The Coldwater Counseling Center, of which Steve has been the President for over 30 years, shares Steve's article series The Symbolic Life...
Our Gilgamesh Dilemma
The Coldwater Counseling Center, of which Steve has been the President for over 30 years, shares Steve's article series The Symbolic Life...
Captain Marvel - The Symbolic Life Summer 2019
The Coldwater Counseling Center, of which Steve has been the President for over 30 years, shares Steve's article series The Symbolic Life...
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